Worldwide Singles Sales

Mariah Carey Singles Sales

Now that we’ve entered the era of digital music and streaming, traditional singles have become a thing of the past. Instead of focusing on physical releases, record labels now certify every eligible song in an artist’s catalog, reflecting the modern way music is consumed. This shift has significantly impacted Mariah Carey singles sales, as her catalog continues to generate streams and downloads globally.

To present a comprehensive analysis, we have examined every song, considering worldwide physical sales (where available), digital downloads, and streaming data from the most widely used platforms. Our approach ensures that Mariah Carey singles sales are accurately represented across all formats.

For consistency, we have applied the widely recognized “1 single sale = 150 streams” metric, which is used by most certification entities. This method provides a realistic and standardized way to assess the performance of each song.

With digital and streaming platforms, sales figures increase daily, and the potential for certifications is no longer stagnant as it was in the past. Songs continue to gain traction, making real-time updates challenging.

While it is impractical to update sales figures daily, especially for physical sales, we will strive to keep the most streamed songs updated at least monthly. For less frequently streamed songs, updates will be conducted at intervals no longer than six months, ensuring an up-to-date reflection of Mariah Carey singles sales.

SingleDigital SalesPhysical SalesStreamsWorldwide Equivalent Sales

#BeautifulMariah Carey Miguel Beautiful
2 052 5000224 340 4563 548 103

Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now)Mariah Carey Against All Odds
440 000695 000181,106,3762,342,376

8th Grade
Mariah Carey Caution
5000014 506 442101 710

After TonightMariah Carey Rainbow
40 00006 309 57082 064

4real 4real
Mariah Carey E=MC2

45 0000960 78351 405

All I Live ForMariah Carey The Rarities
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