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A Christmas Miracle: Learn the Code to Play Mariah Songs on Spotify Every 33 Seconds

Spotify’s policy of counting 30 seconds of each song as a stream has motivated us to reveal an ingenious code that allows you to listen to your beloved Mariah Carey songs in just 33 seconds. If there ever was a page to bookmark, this is the one.


Mariah Carey Spotify 1 billion streams


In our attempts to learn exactly what Spotify counts as a stream – whether online or offline, 30 seconds or 10 minutes (check our article here) – we’ve also discovered a new reason to keep supporting our favorite artists. Fans from all over the world have been using everything at their disposal to help their idols chart, certify, and grow popular on the platform. We figured there’s nothing like Christmas and MARIAHSZN to show how the lambily can go wild. So now, it’s our turn to give back by revealing a new method for supporting our Queen, Mariah Carey. Here’s how to give back to the artist while unlocking the special code and ensuring your streams count, without having to worry about time and content constraints.

If you wish to display even more appreciation for Mariah Carey’s popular holiday hits, or simply want to showcase your love for an underrated and underplayed gem, then this Spotify code is for you! Using just a few simple steps, the code will play your favorite Mariah song for exactly 33 seconds and automatically move onto the next one, allowing you to give your favorite songs the recognition they deserve. Whether it’s for one magical night, or an entire month of celebration, here’s how to make your love for Mariah shine brighter than any Christmas tree.”

Setting Up Your 30-Second Mariah Spotify Code

  1. Go to Google Chrome and write in the address bar
  2. Login to your Spotify account via this webpage
  3. Click on Help in top bar and search for Developer > Developer Tools
  4. A sidebar will open next to your online Spotify account just like the one in the photo – Select “Console”
Spotify 30 second code


  1. Right at the bottom of the bar insert the following code:

insert spotify code

function getRandomInt(min, max) {
    min = Math.ceil(min);
    max = Math.floor(max);
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min);

function doSomething() {
    var button = document.querySelector('[aria-label="Next"]');;

(function loop() {
    var rand = getRandomInt(33000, 37000);
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, rand);
  1. Press “Enter” and now play a song from your playlist.

The code plays between 33 and 37 seconds of each song, automatically playing the next song after those seconds are completed. And that’s one stream done.

Create a Playlist with the Songs you want to show love with the Spotify code

Now all you have to do is create a playlist with the songs you want to play endlessly for 33-37 seconds each. Make sure you select the Repeat mode on your Spotify to ensure the playlist streams over and over again.



Testing Your Success

You might want to test the code first before curating the perfect playlist with all the songs you think deserve more Spotify love than they’ve received. Start by creating a playlist with 2 or 3 songs that normally don’t get more than 10 streams daily. You can check out the daily streams each Mariah song gets on Spotify here. You will find the least played songs towards the bottom of the list.

Now let that playlist go wild all night and check if your code worked 24 hours later here.

After a long night of 30-second streaming songs that usually stream 1-10 times daily, you should see something like this:

24 Hour Streams


And that’s it. With this code, you can show Mariah and everyone else in the world, how loved your forgotten gem has become. So, now that you’ve learned the code that will change Mariah streams forever, what tracks will you be including in your boost playlist? Will it be one of the latest Rarities? That powerful remix that deserves to be heard? Or the forgotten album “Merry Christmas II You”?

Comment below and maybe once Christmas is over we can join forces and use our codes to bring back those bops to the Top 50!

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